This year’s edition of the Stockholm Sport Fishing Fair took place between 16–19 March in Älsvjö, Sweden. During these four days, Svivlo introduced a new standard for players in the Swedish fishing reel industry. This by offering all the 19,600 visitors to try the new Svivlo Genesis ONE fishing reel on site, something no other multi-reel manufacturer offered.

People of all ages and skill levels made their way to Svivlo’s booth to find out more about the revolutionary fishing reel. Many of the visitors who got to test the fishing reel during the fair’s four days were sometimes skeptical that it would actually work. However, after diligent testing, the consensus was that it performed beyond expectations. Spectators in the fair’s backyard, where the product tests were carried out, could happily see the test subjects’ surprised expressions and different reactions. One of those testers was Jan Ohlsson (JanO), a Swedish angler and angling writer who was thrilled with how well the Svivlo Genesis ONE worked, and how easy it was to use. Two features never seen in a fishing reel of this type.

Watch the following video for the spontaneous reactions of Jan Ohlsson and most of the other test subjects when they try the Svivlo Genesis ONE for the first time: