Svivlo fishing reels named an ICAST unicorn

Svivlo fishing reels named an ICAST unicorn named Svivlo reels as one of 5 ICAST unicorns. Specially recognized for being innovative products but ones that doesn’t get the media attention they would have being larger brands. We met with Tyler Brinks during ICAST who, together with hundreds...
The raid to ICAST 2023

The raid to ICAST 2023

We’re super thrilled to announce our participation in ICAST 2023, the world’s biggest sport fishing trade show. We’ve been looking forward to our pilgrimage from Sweden to The United States for a long time and can’t wait to amaze the crowds with our revolutionary...
Svivlo at the Stockholm Sport Fishing Fair

Svivlo at the Stockholm Sport Fishing Fair

This year’s edition of the Stockholm Sport Fishing Fair took place between 16–19 March in Älsvjö, Sweden. During these four days, Svivlo introduced a new standard for players in the Swedish fishing reel industry. This by offering all the 19,600 visitors to try...
Product testing at Svivlo’s Quarters

Product testing at Svivlo’s Quarters

During the morning of April 1st, Svivlo invited visitors to further product tests of the Svivlo Genesis ONE, on Svivlo’s own grounds, outside the workshop where the product has been developed. When the tests were completed, the testers agreed on one thing:...

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